Bioinformatics Industry Day: A new platform to explore future careers

Bioinformatics Industry Day: A new platform to explore future careers

Over 170 bioinformatics students, researchers, and company representatives gathered for the Bioinformatics Industry Day, organized with the support of ConneCie – InSilico’s career and education committee. The event was dedicated to bridging the gap between academic learning and industry practice. It provided a welcome platform for students and researchers to meet companies and explore career opportunities in the bioinformatics sector.

"The turnout and active participation from the students show a great interest in discovering career opportunities beyond their studies. It's inspiring to see such engagement and curiosity about their future roles in bioinformatics."

The Bioinformatics Industry Day event allowed students and researchers to engage with representatives from biotech companies and the Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM). This facilitated people from academic world to discuss career opportunities, and gauge the dynamics and work culture in the biotech industry that may await them outside academia.

Yearly event

Reflecting on the day, UBC Board member Ronnie de Jonge shared his thoughts. “The turnout and active participation from the students show a great interest in discovering career opportunities beyond their studies. It’s inspiring to see such engagement and curiosity about their future roles in bioinformatics.”

The enthusiasm for this event indicates a significant interest in networking with businesses and other organizations outside academia. Therefore, UBC has decided to make this an annual event, so students and researchers can already look forward to the next edition in 2025.

Read more on the website of Utrecht University