Recent publications by UBC members
An overview of publications by UBC principal investigators during the period from February 2024 – April 2024
Message from the Executive Committee
As summer kicks in, we are delighted to conclude this fruitful academic year with the success of our new event, Bioinformatics Industry Day
Meet UBC Principal Investigator Daniel Tamarit
You are focussing on archaeal and bacterial evolution. Why do we need bioinformatics to understand this? Given the incredible amount of evolutionary information in DNA and protein sequences, bioinformatics has become a central methodology in microbial evolutionary research. There are two main aspects of present-day bioinformatics research that I personally find extremely exciting. First, the […]
Bioinformatics Industry Day: A new platform to explore future careers
The Bioinformatics Industry Day event allowed students and researchers to engage with representatives from biotech companies and the Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM). This facilitated people from academic world to discuss career opportunities, and gauge the dynamics and work culture in the biotech industry that may await them outside academia. […]