In 2020, it will be 50 years since Paulien Hogeweg and Ben Hesper first coined the term ‘bioinformatica’. Since bioinformatics is now a mature and thriving research field, indispensable in addressing life science research challenges, we think this occasion should no go by unnoticed.

Therefore, to celebrate the genesis of bioinformatics, we will organize a number of activities throughout the year. We will, for example, organize next years BioSB conference and dedicate part of the program to this part of science history.

In the original definition bioinformatics was not primarily data analysis. Instead it emphasized the need to study biological systems as information processing phenomena, for example with information accumulation in evolution. In this way, it describes the research line that Paulien Hogeweg is still carrying out in Utrecht nowadays. Interestingly, with the data accumulation in modern-day life sciences, this information processing perspective is becoming more and more relevant.
In addition to inform you on our intentions for next year, we also ask you for hands-on help, input, creative ideas or original propositions to celebrate this momentous occasion. We are still in the process of thinking about how to organise this milestone and attract maximal attention for which all help is welcome
Sincerely yours,
Patrick Kemmeren, Jeroen de Ridder, Berend Snel
Read ‘The Roots of Bioinformatics in Theoretical Biology‘ for inspiration
Please, send your suggestions for 50 years of Bioinformatics to Adrien Melquiond (UBC coordinator)