Message from the Executive Committee

Message from the Executive Committee

Dear UBC,

With brand new academic year just underway, and the hustle and bustle returning to the Science Park after a period of Summer holidays, we are looking forward to many new developments and initiatives for UBC members.

We’re very much looking forward to a new edition of our annual UBC Symposium, which is scheduled for 11 October 2023. The symposium is set up as a way to connect the bioinformatics community at Utrecht Science Park. It enables all UBC members to exchange knowledge and expertise, as well as discuss the latest progress in our field. So please register and join us for a great day of science and networking!

As always, keep an eye out for future UBC webinars and other events to connect with (and learn from) your bioinformatics colleagues. We wish you a great start of the academic year, and look forward to all exciting results, collaborations, and connections that may arise.

UBC Executive Committee

Read more in the UBC newsletter shared on September 14, 2023.