Message from the Executive Committee

Message from the Executive Committee

Dear UBC,

Just as bioinformatics continues to evolve rapidly, the UBC is to optimize its operations to best serve the Utrecht bioinformatics community. We also do this to fulfil our role as one of the core groups of the Data Science and Cohorts community within the Strategic Theme Life Sciences at UU. One significant update is that we are changing the organization of our advisory board.

Since the earliest days of the UBC, our Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) advised and reflected on our activities, providing valuable input and help on specific topics. In order to further strengthen the connections with bioinformatics research at different institutes, we decided to transform the SAB into a Stakeholder Committee.

We will meet the Stakeholder Committee members in an ad hoc fashion to ask for comments and advice on the activities of the UBC, as well as how to strengthen the connections between the UBC and their institutes. Most SAB members will continue their work in the Stakeholder Committee. With a broader representation, the Stakeholder Committee will undoubtedly keep on promoting awareness of the UBC at different institutes and stimulate others to join our community.

We’re also happy to share with you that the UBC Annual Symposium is approaching. Set to take place on 11 October 2023, we are currently finalizing the symposium’s program. More information about the symposium will be shared soon. We are looking forward to seeing you there, and wish you a great summer!

UBC Executive Committee

Read more in the UBC newsletter shared on June 13, 2023.