Netherlands X-omics Initiative

Netherlands X-omics Initiative

Globally renowned Dutch leaders in the field of genomics, proteomics, metabolomics and data integration & analysis join forces to realize the Netherlands X-omics Initiative. The X-omics Initiative receives 17 million Euros. Three UBC partners participate in this project for their genomics and proteomics expertise.

“To us X-omics and the NWO-grant mean that our proteins@work-facility can be continued, which is of utmost importance for fundamental research concerning the role of proteins.”


Spinoza prize winner Prof. Albert Heck will lead the X-omics Initiative in its continued development of ground-breaking technologies for proteomics research. Proteomics is the large-scale study of all proteins and their biological function in different cells. “But it is just as important that we integrate all of the different ‘omics’ – proteomics, genomics, metabolomics – together as well. That is where opportunities await to gain new insights that can lead to new applications in medicine”, according to Heck. The X-omics Initiative builds upon the expertise and experience gained under Heck’s leadership in the Netherlands Proteomics Center, and the follow-up programme Proteins@Work, which is also funded by the NWO Roadmap.


At UMC Utrecht, Prof. Edwin Cuppen and Dr. Wigard Kloosterman are involved in the genomics/next generation sequencing aspects of the project, Prof. Boudewijn Burgering is involved in proteomics and mass spectrometry, and Dr. Jeroen de Ridder works on data integration and data mining.

Their work is conducted at the facility for reading DNA (the Utrecht Sequencing Facility, USEQ) and that for analysing digital data produced by DNA research (the UMC Utrecht Bioinformatics Expertise Core, UBEC). “These facilities utilise the latest technologies”, explains Professor of Human Genetics Edwin Cuppen. “They can therefore play an important role in identifying and studying the function of the genome in normal and diseased cells and individuals.” 

The lead applicant is Prof. Alain van Gool from Radboud University Nijmegen.

The National Large-Scale Research Facilities roadmap programme stimulates the construction or renovation of research facilities with an international reputation.

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