UBC Expertise: Plant-Microbe Interactions

Bioinformatics essential for analysis of plant pathogen genomes
UBC expertise: genomics

After his PhD in biochemical analyses of RNA polymerase II promoter opening at Utrecht University, Frank worked as a postdoc at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research, in Cambridge, USA. As a member of the group led by Rick Young, he conducted pioneering genome-wide analyses of transcription regulatory mechanisms. Frank continued […]
Dutilh discusses intestines in KennisCafé Almere (11 January)

Bas E. Dutilh, bioinformatician at Utrecht Bioinformatics Center in Utrecht will participate in this discussion. His research focuses on bacteria-eating virusses in our intestines and their influence on our health. Ed Kuijper, professor medical microbiology at LUMC, will also join the discussion. His research focuses on possibilities of feces transplantation in the case of diseases. Questions like […]
DNA sequencing and evolution in the virtual Utrecht Bioinformatics Center

Geert Kops wants to find the answer to a main question: how does cell division work at the molecular level? The answer to that question is relevant for our understanding of cancer. Berend Snel’s work focuses on the genomic evolution of complex life processes. In their research, they both deal with bioinformatics, the science that […]
Master’s profile Bioinformatics starting September 2016

The UBC presents a new Master’s profile on Bioinformatics in the programme of the Graduate School of Life Sciences. The profile consists of several vital courses on bioinformatics and an essential six month internship. Both Master students and PhD-candidates can enroll the Bioinformatics profile. Essential skills The Profile provides participants with essential bioinformatics skills such […]