European Open Science Cloud portal

The European Open Sciene Cloud (EOSC) offers a new virtual environment with open  services for storage, management, analysis and re-use of research data. EOSC expects that 1.7 million European researchers and 70 million professionals in science and technology will use the portal, that supports Open Science and FAIR data use. Open Science and FAIR data […]

UBC expertise – Computational Immunology


Aridaman Pandit works as Assistant Professor in the Laboratory of Translational Immunology at UMC Utrecht, with the goal of having a direct impact on patients suffering from immunological and viral diseases. What are his main immunological and bioinformatic challenges? Dr. Aridaman Pandit is a Computational Immunologist, and an expert in a unique interdisciplinary field combining […]

Research project: classification in cryo-electron tomography

PhD candidate Ilja Gubins started working on a research project on the classification of bio-molecular complexes using cryo-electron tomography (cryo-ET). Innovative computational methods are an integral part of the research approach. As Ilja says: “Machine learning has revolutionized every industry, starting from automation of manual labour to new unexpected discoveries. Applying it to structural biology […]

Data Science strategy Utrecht Bioinformatics Center

One of the strengths of the UBC’s research is that we combine a thorough understanding of computational methods with an in-depth expertise in the domain of application. Since the big data revolution affects virtually all research domains, Utrecht University has recently initiated the new focus area Applied Data Science. How do we see the role […]