First NIOZ-UBC webinar on Monday, April 12
The Utrecht Bioinformatics Center is very happy to announce an online mini-conference on Monday April 12 (16:00 – 17:30) with three speakers from NIOZ (Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research): Dr. Nina Dombrowski, MSc. Jeroen Hoekendijk and Dr. Julia Engelmann. All three speakers are currently using state-of-the-art bioinformatics methods to carry their research. A short introduction of the speakers and the title of their […]
New role of ocean viruses in life cycle of raw materials discovered
In a search for new viruses in the oceans, scientists led by Ohio State University have discovered new bacteriophage types that may play important roles in the global nutrient cycles. These roles have thus far primarily been attributed to bacteria. The viruses were among thousands of newly identified viruses. Utrecht University bioinformatician Bas Dutilh identified […]