Dutilh discusses intestines in KennisCafé Almere (11 January)

Dutilh discusses intestines in KennisCafé Almere (11 January)


Bas E. Dutilh, bioinformatician at Utrecht Bioinformatics Center in Utrecht will participate in this discussion. His research focuses on bacteria-eating virusses in our intestines and their influence on our health.
Ed Kuijper, professor medical microbiology at LUMC,  will also join the discussion. His research focuses on possibilities of feces transplantation in the case of diseases.

Questions like how can bacteria improve your health and how to take good care of them will be discussed in scientific context.


Wednesday 11 January, from 19.45-22.00 h
Plusbibliotheek Flevoland
de nieuwe bibliotheek Almere
Stadhuisplein 101
1315 XC Almere

More information (in Dutch) about KennisCafé Almere.