Vidi grant for Jeroen de Ridder: DNA mutations in three dimensions

NWO has awarded a Vidi grant to Jeroen de Ridder (UMC Utrecht) for his proposal entitled: DNA mutations in three dimensions. A Vidi grant is worth 800,000 euros and enables talented researchers to develop their own innovative line of research and set up their own research group. Dr. ir. Jeroen de Ridder summerizes his research in a few lines […]
NIH subsidy to explore new dimensions of 3D genome organization

Wouter de Laat and Jeroen de Ridder have received a 600k$ National Institutes of Health (NIH) research grant to explore new dimensions of 3D genome organization. The grant is awarded in the context of the NIH 4D Nucleome Program, a large collaborative program aimed at unraveling the principles of nuclear organization in space and time […]
HPC facility: from initiative to facility to future developments

The Utrecht Bioinformatics Center HPC facility provides ample compute resources to accelerate Life Science community in Utrecht. About 35 research groups affiliated with UMC Utrecht, Utrecht University, Hubrecht Institute or Princess Máxima Center for Pediatric Oncology are currently using the HPC facility. With a total compute capacity of 1500 cores and 600TB of HPC storage, […]
Data Science strategy Utrecht Bioinformatics Center

One of the strengths of the UBC’s research is that we combine a thorough understanding of computational methods with an in-depth expertise in the domain of application. Since the big data revolution affects virtually all research domains, Utrecht University has recently initiated the new focus area Applied Data Science. How do we see the role […]
Sarah Pulit reaches Breaking Science final

Sarah Pulit, postdoc at the Brain Center Rudolf Magnus group of UMC Utrecht, pitched her research in three minutes and reached the Breaking Science final. Breaking Science is the new science communication battle for young scientists organised by UMC Utrecht and Utrecht University. Three minute pitch Sarah’s audience did get a good first impression of her research. […]