Big Data Core in Princess Máxima Center available for UBC community

To be able to take steps in research, diagnosis, and treatment of childhood cancer, smart handling of large amounts of data is an absolute must for the Princess Máxima Center. The management and access to this ever-growing amount of data have been key in how the Big Data Core has been set up. Working with […]

UBC communicy in Covid-19 times – introduction newsletter May 2020

Utrecht Bioinformatics Center

This UBC newsletter finds you in unprecedented circumstances, with Covid-19 impacting our daily lives, research, teaching and the UBC as a community. We, of course, hope that you are all healthy and doing well given the circumstances. We are extremely proud and thankful to our community which, right from the start of this whole crisis, […]

New Master’s programme Bioinformatics and BioComplexity


With the current Covid-19 measures it is hard to estimate with how many students we will actually start, but we have high hopes that we can start this September with about 15 to 20 students. Work is in progress developing the obligatory masters course(s) in final details. We will start with an essentials course, covering […]