New Research Data Management services

FAIR data? ORCID-ID? Metadata? If these terms raise more questions than answers, maybe it’s time to receive an introduction or counselling session about research data management (RDM). Intro session is now available and bookable A short and sweet presentation is ready for your consumption and can be extended by a topic of choice: whether it […]
Fully reproducible analysis on cloud architecture
To make the High Performance Computing facility (HPC) ready for the future we realised new workflows and authentication procedures. These components are crucial to the future of Life Science research, because they allow researchers to develop analysis that are fully reproducible and can also run on cloud architectures. Workflows Researchers from the Princess Maxima Center […]
Breaking Science participant: Sergio Arredondo-Alonso

Research pitch in just three minutes.
Utrecht Life Science Hubs & Bioinformatics
Utrecht University has invested in four different Life Science hubs: the Utrecht Exposome Hub, the Utrecht Platform for Organoid Technology, the Utrecht Molecular Immunology Hub and the Utrecht Advanced In Vitro Models Hub. What role do bioinformaticians play in the ULS hubs? These hubs bring together excellent researchers from different disciplines to work on on […]
Principal investigators UBC join Oncode

Oncode is the independent institute dedicated to outsmarting cancer and impacting lives. Two of the 19 newly selected Oncode Investigators are UBC junior PI’s Jeroen de Ridder and Ruben van Boxtel. Congratulations to both! Selected over open recruitment Utrecht Bioinformatics Center is very honoured and proud that these two junior principal investigators have been selected […]