New publications on Fungal Physiology and bioinformatics

Over the past half year, Professor Ronald de Vries and co-workers have published 10 papers with a strong bioinformatics component in the field of Fungal Physiology. The results are highly relevant for both our fundamental understanding of this process as well as for the improvement of biotechnology applications based on plant biomass. The research includes […]
UBC expertise: Clinical Infectiology

Fundamental research concept “My main weapon of choice is whole genome sequencing, either on isolated bacteria or directly from clinical samples. The latter is often more tricky, as the bioinformatics involved becomes an order of magnitude more difficult, not only because of the sheer volume of data, but also the complexity. Fortunately, the pace of […]
Increasing Bioinformatics expertise and interest in Utrecht
Utrecht Bioinformatics Center aims to increase the expertise and interest in the field of bioinformatics in Utrecht. Attracting talent is one way to expand the number of bioinformatic researchers in Life Sciences. Training at all levels is also essential in order to meet the enormous and growing demand for bioinformatics expertise. Bioinformatics education is one […]
European Open Science Cloud portal
The European Open Sciene Cloud (EOSC) offers a new virtual environment with open services for storage, management, analysis and re-use of research data. EOSC expects that 1.7 million European researchers and 70 million professionals in science and technology will use the portal, that supports Open Science and FAIR data use. Open Science and FAIR data […]
Defining Quality Virus Data(sets)

Nature Biotechnology publishes standards paper with guidelines and best practices for characterizing uncultivated viruses