Message from the Executive Committee

Message from the Executive Committee

Dear UBC,

With 2024 in full swing, we reflect on the significant strides made by the UBC in the preceding year. The installation of a new Executive Committee marked a pivotal moment. With a clear aim to serve the bioinformatics community at Utrecht Science Park, we will continue to shape the UBC.

Looking back, the past year was remarkably fruitful, featuring several in-person and online events. The 9th UBC symposium, held at the Princess Máxima Center, stands out as a resounding success. The event welcomed a record number of participants, featured distinguished speakers, and offered engaging interactions during sessions. Notably, we ventured into organizing a live debate for the first time, centering around generative AI. The event drew a record number of attendees from across the Utrecht Science Park, both anticipated and unexpected, and sparked valuable discussions that really seemed to resonate with the audience. We express our gratitude to the symposium’s panelists, Prof. Sanne Abeln, Dr. Wouter van Amsterdam, and Dr. Christine Fox, for their contributions.

As we set our sights on 2024, our commitment persists. This year we will continue to organise live events, kicking off with an in-person seminar by dr. Lucas Kaaij —scheduled for January 29th at 4 PM. We are very much looking forward to it, and hope to see many of you there!

Warm regards,
Ronnie de Jonge
On behalf of the UBC Executive Committee

Read more in the UBC newsletter shared on January 23, 2024.