Message from the Executive Committee

Message from the Executive Committee

Dear UBC,

As we reflect on the success of the The 9th UBC annual symposium, we’re happy to share the symposium’s highlights and key updates. With more participants than ever, this year’s edition was a testament to our community’s vibrancy. A retrospective article capturing the symposium’s essence is now available, chronicling some of the discussions, keynote speakers, and the Best Poster Prize awarded to a standout presentation.

In parallel, we’re excited to announce the establishment of five Health AI Labs at UMC Utrecht. These labs signify a significant stride in integrating data science and AI into healthcare, research, and education. The Labs reinforce our commitment to advancing AI in health, both nationally and far beyond.

Furthermore, mark your calendars for the UBC Bioinformatics Debate on December 4, 2023. Led by distinguished panelists, including Dr. Wouter van Amsterdam, Dr. Christine Fox, and Prof. Sanne Abeln, the debate will explore the theme, “Is it time to embrace unrestricted use of generative AI tools in research?”. Join us for an engaging session featuring panel discussions, audience polling, and a group discussion, offering a unique opportunity to share your insights.

We look forward to your participation in these developments, and keep you informed about further collaboration and innovation within the Utrecht bioinformatics community.

UBC Executive Committee

Read more in the UBC newsletter shared on November 21, 2023.