Marie Curie Fellowship

Anna Vangone, a post-doc in the Computational Structural Biology group, received a H2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship. With this two-year fellowship, Anna will work on developing a dynamical view of binding affinity in protein-protein interactions. More...

The Utrecht Computational Structural Biology group will be part of two large European consortia the EGI-Engage project (8 million budget), funded under the Horizon 2020 e-Infrastructure programme (H2020: Research & Innovation Actions (RIA)). and the INDIGO-DataCLoud project (11 million budget), funded under the Horizon 2020 e-Infrastructure programme (H2020-EINFRA-2014-2 call). The first project aims at...

(English summary below) Co-evolutieprincipe helpt bij opheldering 3D-eiwitstructuren Als het oppervlak van een eiwit evolueert, moeten eiwitten die er interactie mee vertonen dezelfde kant op evolueren om te blijven ‘passen’. Dit ‘co-evolutieprincipe’ vergemakkelijkt het voorspellen van de 3D-structuur van eiwitparen aan de hand van hun aminozuursequenties, betogen Utrechtse...

Last year’s Nobel Prize laureate in chemistry Michael Levitt, professor of Structural Biology of Stanford University, gives a lecture at Utrecht University on December 11th at 16.00 hrs. Together with the two other laureates, he successfully developed methods that combined quantum and classical mechanics to calculate...

Odds are, there’s a virus living inside your gut that has gone undetected by scientists for hundreds, and possibly hundreds of thousands, of years. A new study led by Utrecht Bioinformatics Center scientist Dr. Bas E. Dutilh has found that more than half the world’s...