Recent publications by UBC members

Recent publications by UBC members

Below you can find an overview of publications by UBC principal investigators during the period from October – November 2023.
Ultra-fast deep-learned CNS tumor classification during surgery, Nature, 622, 842-849, 11 October 2023, Jeroen de Ridder’s group

This paper introduces Sturgeon, a neural network using rapid nanopore sequencing to classify CNS tumors during surgery. Sturgeon achieved accurate diagnoses within 40 minutes for 45 out of 50 samples and demonstrated real-time applicability in 25 surgeries with a diagnostic turnaround under 90 minutes. The study suggests that deep learning for affordable intraoperative sequencing could improve neurosurgical decision-making, potentially preventing complications and additional surgeries.” By Ihor Smal

Transcriptomic diversity of cell types across the adult human brain, Science, Volume 382, Issue 6667, 13 October 2023, Kimberley Siletti’s group

TA comprehensive atlas of cell diversity within the adult human brain would be game-changing for neuroscience. Siletti et al, take us one step closer to this by profiling over 3 million cells sampled from 100 anatomically distinct brain regions. They used graph-based clustering to divide brain cells into 31 superclusters, 461 clusters and 3313 subclusters. This revealed striking and in some cases unexpected patterns of regional diversity. Future research is now needed to explore the extent to which this molecular diversity reveals hidden functional diversity throughout the brain.” By Kevin Kenna

A farnesyl-dependent structural role for CENP-E in expansion of the fibrous corona, Journal of Cell Biology, 7 November 2023, Geert Kops’ group