First NIOZ-UBC webinar on Monday, April 12

The Utrecht Bioinformatics Center is very happy to announce an online mini-conference on Monday April 12 (16:00 – 17:30) with three speakers from NIOZ (Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research): Dr. Nina Dombrowski, MSc. Jeroen Hoekendijk and Dr. Julia Engelmann. All three speakers are currently using state-of-the-art bioinformatics methods to carry their research. A short introduction of the speakers and the title of their […]
50 years Bioinformatics: Biology of the future?

Bioinformatics is now a mature and thriving research field, indispensable in addressing life science research challenges.
Million euros for research on disease-resistant spinach

Utrecht plant scientists and bioinformaticians will receive almost 1 million euros for a research project on downy mildew, the most important pathogen of spinach. They are awarded by the Top Sector Horticulture & Starting Materials for a public-private partnership. The Top Consortium for Knowledge and Innovation announced this on 1 November. In the project, Guido […]
BioSB2019 conference and YoungCB PhD retreat
With three renowned keynote speakers, Mustafa Kammash, Michal Linial and Eran Segal talking about control theory, evolution of translational control and personalized treatment using microbiome data, the BioSB conference provided a glimpse on international developments in bioinformatics and systems biology. With over twenty posters, eight selected and invited talks and the best BioSB2019 poster prize […]
€5,7 million towards future-proof lettuce varieties

The LettuceKnow project, led by Utrecht University Professor Guido van den Ackerveken, has attracted a 4 million euro Perspectief grant from the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO). Six major seed-breeding companies have topped up this sum with an additional 1.7 million euros to ensure the project’s viability. Thanks to the work done in the […]