Presence of the fungus Fusarium Tropical Race 4 in Colombia confirmed

DNA-sequencing and pathogenicity tests confirmed that the Colombian isolates belong to what has been previously defined as the Fusarium odoratissimum TR4 lineage, that causes Fusarium wilt known as Panama disease. These analyses provided final proof that TR4 has indeed reached Colombia. An international research team, including Michael Seidl, has scientifically confirmed the presence in Colombia […]

UBC expertise: Human Genetics

Edwin Cuppen

Dr. Edwin Cuppen was one of the first people in Europe to implement next-generation DNA sequencing. How does Edwin work to find the ultimate bioinformatic solution?

Vidi grant for Jeroen de Ridder: DNA mutations in three dimensions


NWO has awarded a Vidi grant to Jeroen de Ridder (UMC Utrecht) for his proposal entitled: DNA mutations in three dimensions. A Vidi grant is worth 800,000 euros and enables talented researchers to develop their own innovative line of research and set up their own research group. Dr. ir. Jeroen de Ridder summerizes his research in a few lines […]

DNA sequencing and evolution in the virtual Utrecht Bioinformatics Center


The Utrecht Bioinformatics Center (UBC) is a cooperative research organisation in Utrecht, joining Science for Life, Future Food and One Health. Berend Snel, Professor of Bioinformatics and Chairman of the UBC, met UMC Professor of Molecular Tumour Cell Biology Geert Kops via the UBC. The two work together intensively. Geert Kops wants to find the […]