BioSB 2018: strong presence of Utrecht Bioinformatics Center

With three invited lectures, two award winning participants out of five oral presentations and 28 poster presentation from our UBC members, Utrecht Bioinformatics and Computational Biology research groups provided a strong contribution to the scientific conference. Invited speakers from UBC The keynote address from Alexander van Oudenaarden on clonal tracking using single-cell sequencing, a breakout […]
Research of the Utrecht Bioinformatics Center in short movie
What should people know about the Utrecht Bioinformatics Center? Examples from Utrecht Bioinformatics research such as metagenomics, cancer diagnostics and predicting protein structures. We are proudly announcing that we now have a short movie about Bioinformatics research in Utrecht. The movie explains why bioinformatics is essential in the big data era and why every life […]
Core introduction block bioinformatics and hassle free teaching experience
Hassle free teaching experience We are streamlining our teaching infrastructure by setting up a server that can host our programming environments called CoCalc. In this way, we will be able to offer an environment which will be the same for each and every participant, without the need to setup their own software: a uniform and […]
Research project: classification in cryo-electron tomography
PhD candidate Ilja Gubins started working on a research project on the classification of bio-molecular complexes using cryo-electron tomography (cryo-ET). Innovative computational methods are an integral part of the research approach. As Ilja says: “Machine learning has revolutionized every industry, starting from automation of manual labour to new unexpected discoveries. Applying it to structural biology […]
UBC expertise: Human Genetics

Dr. Edwin Cuppen was one of the first people in Europe to implement next-generation DNA sequencing. How does Edwin work to find the ultimate bioinformatic solution?