National e-learning platform for Bioinformatics
The Utrecht Bioinformatics Center and BioSB join forces to develop and offer interesting bioinformatics and systems biology courses online.
BioSB2019 conference and YoungCB PhD retreat
With three renowned keynote speakers, Mustafa Kammash, Michal Linial and Eran Segal talking about control theory, evolution of translational control and personalized treatment using microbiome data, the BioSB conference provided a glimpse on international developments in bioinformatics and systems biology. With over twenty posters, eight selected and invited talks and the best BioSB2019 poster prize […]
Sergio’s tips for your conference presentation
“Although I did not make it to the finals of the Breaking Science pitching competition, I had a blast during this course. I think it was one of the most useful courses that I followed during my PhD. It has dramatically changed the way I focus my talks during a conference.” All Breaking Science competitors […]
50 years bioinformatics
In 2020, it will be 50 years since Paulien Hogeweg and Ben Hesper first coined the term ‘bioinformatica’. Since bioinformatics is now a mature and thriving research field, indispensable in addressing life science research challenges, we think this occasion should no go by unnoticed. Therefore, to celebrate the genesis of bioinformatics, we will organize a […]
Keynote speakers UBC symposium 2019
Theme of this year’s UBC symposium is ‘Bioinformatics 4 Life’ and we are proud to announce two great keynote speakers. Thijs Ettema from Uppsala University (Sweden): Dr. Ettema’s lab is focused on characterizing microbial diversity using state-of-the-art technologies such as single-cell sequencing and metagenomics. By assessing microbial diversity, he is also attempting to gain additional insights […]