UBC webinars: engaging and extending our community

Our monthly seminars switched to online webinars, and through that we reach out to potential collaborators and interesting scientific topics outside the inner circle of the UBC community. At the cost of engaging with UBC community members, this gives us the great opportunity to engage with foreign guest speakers and make the content available for […]
Introduction UBC newsletter May 2021

This year, we celebrate the 20th birthday of the human genome sequence published in Nature and Science in February 2001. While the history of bioinformatics goes back much further, the technical breakthrough to sequence entire genomes, culminating in the (draft) human genome sequence was a watershed development in the field. Beyond transforming human genetics into […]
Dieter Stoker – Developer introductory Machine Learning course

When you meet Dieter, you might be overwhelmed by the sheer volume of words he can rapidly throw your way. Dieter’s enthusiasm immediately shone through as he started talking about his teaching role: “I’ve recently been hired to spruce up the BiBC Master’s programme with an extra Machine Learning course, focussing on hands-on practice. This […]
Meet Joséphine Daub, coordinator of the Cancer Genomics course

Variety in working methods So, what is it that you teach the students about cancer genomics? “In the course, students learn about next generation sequencing techniques that are used to detect mutations and structural variants in tumors, how to apply them in cancer research and diagnostics and what challenges you encounter doing cancer genomics. Real-life […]
UBC webinar about COVID-19 sequencing in New Zealand on May 10
The Utrecht Bioinformatics Center is happy to announce their next online seminar on Monday May 10 (16:00-17:30). Joep de Ligt and Pjotr Prins will present their work on COVID-19 sequencing in New Zealand and the PubSeq SARS-CoV-2 public sequence resource that originated from an online biohackathon last year. To attend the webinar, please send an […]