NWO grant for Computational Structural Biology at Utrecht


NWO-ENW decided to give a computing grant of 4 Million CPU hours per year for two years to WeNMR which allows to maximise the impact of the HADDOCK services. SURFSara will provide the resources. HADDOCK already serves an international community, but it is also central to the research of the Utrecht Computational & Structural Biology group. […]

Utrecht biologists win prestigious Cozzarelli prize

Cell division in cells with a nucleus: microtubules (red) are pulling the chromosomes (blue) towards both sides of the nucleus. On every chromosome, a kinetochore (light dots) is present.

Utrecht biologists are awarded a prize by the prestigious American National Academy of Sciences. They will receive the Cozzarelli Prize for their publication in PNAS in 2019, in which they unravel the evolutionary history of a central protein complex in cell division. That was announced by PNAS on March 10. The Cozzarelli Prize is awarded annually by the National Academy of […]

A common gut microbe secretes a carcinogen

Cancer mutations can be caused by common gut bacteria carried by many people. This was demonstrated by researchers from the Hubrecht Institute (KNAW) and Princess Máxima Center in Utrecht, the Netherlands. By exposing cultured human mini-guts to a particular strain of Escherichia coli bacteria, they uncovered that these bacteria induce a unique pattern of mutations in the […]

Bioinformatics activities for a broad audience

50 years Bioinformatics (flyer)

By itself, the number of revolutions around the sun does not intrinsically call for anything special. Yet, we decided to seize the opportunity to celebrate the birth of bioinformatics and organize activities to a broad audience: both laymen and scientific. Learn about cool science We have concocted a nice brew of events to meet each […]