Message from the Executive Committee

Dutch Cancer Society grant for Geert Kops

Read more on the website of the Hubrecht Institute. (Image source:
Meet UBC Executive Committee member Ronnie de Jonge

Why do we need bioinformatics to understand plant-microbe interactions? Plant-microbe interactions, and host-microbe interactions in general, involve numerous different components including genes, proteins and metabolites. When evaluating plant-microbiome interactions this is further expanded with many highly diverse organisms. Bioinformatics is instrumental to integrate and manage large-scale datasets detailing these components that are generated to aid […]
UBC Webinar(16:00Sep11): “HPC Updates and Using Workflow Managers”

On Monday, September 11 at 16:00, Dr. Ies Nijman, UMCU and Dr. Jayne Hehir-Kwa, PMC, will give an update on the HPC facility and give a quick guide to the possibilities of using workflow managers on the HPC HPC Updates and Using Workflow Managers Current bioinformatics often involves either compute intensive calculations or processing […]
Recent publications by UBC members