NIH subsidy to explore new dimensions of 3D genome organization

One of the strengths of the UBC’s research is that we combine a thorough understanding of computational methods with an in-depth expertise in the domain of application. Since the big data revolution affects virtually all research domains, Utrecht University has recently initiated the new focus...

Sarah Pulit, postdoc at the Brain Center Rudolf Magnus group of UMC Utrecht, pitched her research in three minutes and reached the Breaking Science final. Breaking Science is the new science communication battle for young scientists organised by UMC Utrecht and Utrecht University. Three minute pitch Sarah’s audience...

Frank Holstege is a passionate professor in the field of bioinformatics, working in the Princess Máxima Center. This respected researcher, a recipient of prestigious VIDI, VICI and ERC grants, is also a member of EMBO. Frank tells us about his work and the value of...