KWF grant to investigate gene-gene interactions in childhood cancer

Patrick Kemmeren obtained a grant of 572 k euro from the Dutch Cancer Society (KWF) to investigate cooperative and mutually exclusive genetic interactions in childhood cancer. Multidisciplinary research Cancers arise and progress through the acquirement of combinations of mutations. Genetic interactions are specific combinations of mutations that...

The Utrecht Bioinformatics Center is very proud to announce that Professor Peer Bork will be receiving an Honorary Doctorate on the occasion of Utrecht University’s Anniversary Day.  A pioneering bioinformatician Peer Bork is a pioneering bioinformatics researcher. He has developed widely used bioinformatic tools and databases. These tools...

Bas E. Dutilh, bioinformatician at Utrecht Bioinformatics Center in Utrecht will participate in this discussion. His research focuses on bacteria-eating virusses in our intestines and their influence on our health. Ed Kuijper, professor medical microbiology at LUMC,  will also join the discussion. His research focuses on possibilities of...

Four UBC members participate in the Breaking Science competition and have a shot at winning 1500,00. Come and support them while pitching their bioinformatics research on Monday 20 March in Café Hoffmann (Janskerkhof, Utrecht). What is Breaking Science? Increasingly, researchers are asked to explain their research in...