Classification of ancient evolutionary connections between viruses made possible with new taxonomy

The International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV) has announced a fundamental change to the way viruses are systematically classified. The new taxonomy system allows scientists to classify viruses in a hierarchical structure similar to that used for cellular organisms, like animals, bacteria and plants. The ICTV describes their decision and its implications in a […]
Wandering in the virosphere

The detailed knowledge we have of a small number of viruses conceals the fact that we know nothing or hardly anything about the vast majority of them. More genetic research is needed to map the origin and evolution of viruses Thorough exploration of the viral world has barely begun, says Bas Dutilh in the interview […]
50 years Bioinformatics: Biology of the future?

Bioinformatics is now a mature and thriving research field, indispensable in addressing life science research challenges.
Research of the Utrecht Bioinformatics Center in short movie
What should people know about the Utrecht Bioinformatics Center? Examples from Utrecht Bioinformatics research such as metagenomics, cancer diagnostics and predicting protein structures. We are proudly announcing that we now have a short movie about Bioinformatics research in Utrecht. The movie explains why bioinformatics is essential in the big data era and why every life […]
Predicting metabolites based on bacterial genes

A novel computer model uses microorganisms’ DNA to determine the metabolites used and produced by the bacteria in different parts of the human body.