Review paper on structural variant detection in cancer genomes

Research into the role of structural variants (SVs) in cancer has been limited due to difficulties in detection. UBC members Ianthe A. E. M. van Belzen, Alexander Schönhuth, Patrick Kemmeren & Jayne Y. Hehir-Kwa explore current strategies for integrating SV callsets and to enable the use of tumor-specific SVs in precision oncology. Full-spectrum SV detection with high recall and […]
Life Sciences Work Accelerator supports Cyclomics start up

The LifeSciences@Work Accelerator announced Cyclomics as winning team of the 18th edition of the Venture Challenge at the Dutch Life Sciences Conference 2017. The start up Cyclomics receives € 25,000 for developing a technology to measure cancer recurrence in liquid biopsies, by detection of cancer mutations in blood at single-molecule sensitivity. This way the start up, initiated by Wigard […]
KWF grant to investigate gene-gene interactions in childhood cancer

Patrick Kemmeren obtained a grant of 572 k euro from the Dutch Cancer Society (KWF) to investigate cooperative and mutually exclusive genetic interactions in childhood cancer. Multidisciplinary research Cancers arise and progress through the acquirement of combinations of mutations. Genetic interactions are specific combinations of mutations that have unpredictable phenotypic consequences. Using a mixture of […]
Netherlands eScience Center grants two projects to UBC scientists

This year, the Netherlands eScience Center (NLeSC) awarded two out of five ASDI projects to scientists from the Utrecht Bioinformatics Center. The proposals submitted by Jeroen de Ridder and Alexandre Bonvin will each receive € 500,000; 50% in direct funding and 50% in in-kind funding in the form of support from eScience research engineers. Googling […]