Overview UBC Seminars 2015

In 2015 we revived the UBC seminars and to shake your memory here is the overview of all the great seminars we have had. A new round of seminars will commence on January 11th. We hope to see you all there again! ...

Alexandre Bonvin and Marc Baldus (Utrecht Univeristy) will receive one of the TOP-PUNT grants of NWO Chemical Sciences . In total, NWO awarded four out of thirteen received research proposals. Bonvin and Baldus will receive two million euros to start a new, challenging and innovative research line.  Caught...

NWO has awarded two Vidi grants to dr. Bas E. Dutilh and dr. Kirsten ten Tusscher. They both received € 800,000 to develop their own research line and set up a research group over the next five years. Dr. Bas E. Dutilh will discover new human...